Sunday, May 6, 2007

Celebrity Porn: Why They Get Away With It (Part 2 of 3)

As I begin my second installment of this blog series, I’d just like to inform everyone that Governor Corzine of New Jersey opted to pay the seatbelt fine after he was released from the hospital last week. It is refreshing to see a political figure own up to his mistake and approach the situation with honesty and dignity. And of course, it’s wonderful to see the Governor back on his feet!

This blog post moves away from the political sphere and delves into the world of celebrities: movie and music stars as well as other popular culture figures. Over the past few years, I’ve seen a huge increase in people’s interest to keep up with the lives of celebrities. One of my fellow classmates in the M.A. program for Communication and Media Studies at Fordham calls this phenomenon “celebrity porn.” Our culture is bordering on obsession when it comes to knowing the latest celebrity gossip like who’s breaking up with who, what the celebrities wore to the latest awards show, etc.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I find the lifestyle of celebrities attractive. I too pick up a copy of People magazine every so often to catch up on my celebrity gossip. When I flip through the pages of People or watch the Entertainment Channel, I enjoy looking at the pictures of celebrities or reading their personal stories. In a way, I feel connected to the celebrity. Therein lies the appeal to celebrity porn. We want to be closer to those who are famous. The stories that I don’t like so much in these magazines and shows are the ones about celebrities who have committed crimes and then escaped punishment.

My first celebrity victim in this blog is Britney Spears. She was a young success. I own her early records. Then, things started to go downhill in 2004 when Spears married childhood friend Jason Allen Alexander. The marriage occurred in Las Vegas and ended 2 days later. Spear’s fall began after the release of her fourth album, In the Zone, in November 2003. Only nine months after her annulment to Alexander, Spears tied the knot with Kevin Federline in September 2004. A year later, on September 14, 2005, Spears gave birth to her first child, Sean Preston Federline. Paparazzi caught Spears driving with her son in her lap in February 2006. Spears was not prosecuted for the incident, which as anyone knows, put her child in danger.

Spear’s marriage began to fall apart that year and she became pregnant a second time and gave birth to her second son, Jayden James Federline on September 12, 2006. Shortly after their second son’s birth, Spearks filed for divorce. The divorce settlement was recently reached and on March 29, 2007, Spears and Federline were officially divorced.

2007 has been a big year for Spears. She has not only been in and out of drug rehabilitation centers, but she has also shaved her head. During the time in which Spears was gallivanting with other celebrities who have misused drugs, she was never caught in possession or prosecuted although Federline filed for custody of the children in February 2007. The court trial never occurred and Spears continues to have full custody of the children. On May 1, 2007, Spears appeared at The House of Blues in San Diego, California for her first stage performance since her drug problems emerged. Is Spears on the road to success once again?

If so, then the best of luck to her. But, what about her kids? Obviously, she has had some risky behavior over the past year. It is also obvious, however, that Spears wants to recover to be a mother. She also has immense support from her family, her ex-husband Federline, and ex-boyfirend, Justin Timberlake. Spear’s mistakes and potential crimes have been turned into a human interest story like that of most celebrities. Then again, not all celebrities are so lucky…

Poor Martha Stewart. A successful, honest, non-drug using, house making spokesperson and savvy business woman was convicted for insider trading in 2004 and sentenced to prison, fined, and barred from serving as an executive in any capacity for five years. Allow me to compare and contrast: Spears puts her child’s life in danger, misuses drugs, and displays borderline behavior while Martha Stewart just tries to rescue her money?

Stewart was accused of insider trading in 2002 after selling shares of a pharmaceutical company which was said to be failing as a new drug would be denied (she supposedly saved over $45,000 in damages). Stewart’s reputation and image suffered over the course of the next three years. Her magazine subscriptions dropped and in March 2004, she was convicted on four counts of lying to investigators and obstruction of justice. Steward was forced to resign her role as CEO of MSLO. She also resigned her other executive positions at Revlon and the New York Stock Exchange. Stewart said in July 2004 that, "I'm a perfectionist. But I want people to understand that I'm not, personally, perfect.”

The notion of non-perfection in the celebrity world is one that is foreign to most of us. Celebrities act as role models and to see them put in negative light is something that culture chooses to ignore. Getting back to Stewart, however, she began serving a five month prison term in September 2004, while her appeal was still pending. Stewart served her term from October 2004 to March 2005 and then was placed on house arrest for an addition five months and required to wear an ankle bracelet.

After her house arrest, Stewart began to see her success rise again and the last of her legal battles was settled in August 2006. The Securities and Exchange Commission agreed to settle. Under the settlement, Stewart, who did not admit guilt, agreed to pay a fine of about $195,000 (or three times what she avoided in selling the shares). She also agreed to a five-year bar from serving as a director of a public company.

By 2011, Stewart will be able to return to the helm as CEO of MSO, at the age of 70. Since her jail term and house arrest, Stewart has become the spokeswoman for K-Mart and had several books published as well as starred in several reality TV shows included an Apprentice series which failed.

So, the stories of Spears and Stewart are polar opposites in many ways. Spears, 25, is a young pop-star who has been caught up in the world of celebrity-hood and has been innocent over the course of her recent risky behavior and drug habits. But, I think it’s interesting to note that even Spears knows, “she’s not that innocent” when she sings her hit song, “Baby, Hit Me One More Time.” On the other side of the spectrum, Stewart, 66, has served a prison term, paid an immense fine, and resigned her role as an executive. She did not endanger anyone, she just looked out for her own well-being, a crime we are all guilty of at some point or another.

It seems that it all depends upon the celebrity whether they get punished for their crime or let off scot-free. Does age have anything to do with it? Popularity? Probably, but that’s an entirely different topic for an entirely different blog post. As public figures, celebrities like government officials need to be held to the same standards as everyday citizens.

Then again, what would be the appeal in reading an issue of People that is chock full of celebrity crimes and convictions? It probably wouldn’t be much fun, although I do enjoy seeing that Paris Hilton was just sentenced to 45 days in jail for violating her probation. She will serve her term prior to June 1 and she will have her own quarters at jail like other celebrities to avoid humiliation and angst from other inmates. People also reports, “Each day, the incarcerated are permitted outside their cells for an hour to shower, watch TV in the day room, participate in outdoor activities or talk on the phone. (Cell phones are not allowed in the jail cells.) As for food, inmates are offered three-poultry-based low-sodium meals a day. The jail's overseer calls it ‘a very nice place’,” (

Now, when and if I ever go to jail…I want that treatment!

Credits: Photos are compliments of Google Image Search

Britney Spears:

Martha Stewart:

People Magazine:

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